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CLICK HERE TO PURCHASEAuthor/Editor: Skinner, Michael; Klause, Roger; Jennings, Larry; Smith, Chuck; Carney, John, Grismer, Ray
10 CDs
2 DVDs
1 Data CD
CD 1
Tips on adding tricks to repertoire
Copper/Silver Transposition
Mental Reverse 3
Flying Eagles
Chicago Opener
On Presentation
Vernon’s Weight Guesser
Patter Tip
Boomerang Card
Bill in Lemon
Al Baker Cut and Restored Ribbon
Fred Kaps’ touch on The Devano Deck
Comedy Egg Trick and Daniel Cros
Cards Across
Fred Kaps’ Vanishing Cane
Poker Trick
Hotel Mystery
Marlo’s Triumph
Larry Jennings’ Stop Trick
Sleeve Aces
MacDonald’s Aces
Blackie the Gambler
CD 2
Paul Fox Rope Trick talk
Dai Vernon’s Coffee Cup and Sugar Cubes
Dai Vernon’s Deck Vanish
John Scarne’s Ace Cutting
Dai Vernon Poker Routine a la Skinner
Patter for borrowing money
Matching Card routine
Three-Card Monte bent corner
Cards to Pocket talk and vanish of final card
Dr. Sawa’s Dollar to Four Quarters
Finger Exercise Card Routine
Malini Chink-a-Chink comment
Vanishing Glass Under Napkin
Silk from Dollar Bill
The Innocent Bystander
chit chat
Jardine Ellis Ring history and patter
Elmsley Dollars
Avoiding requests from repeat customers
Patter and gags
Gun Trick patter
Routined silk tricks
Larry Jennings’ Bold Card Case Load and Skinner handling
Lippencott Box routine by Paul Fox and Fred Braue
Dai Vernon Card Force
Skinner Bridge Deal
51 Card Elimination
Bill Change from Magicana
Blackjack Switch by Herb Zarrow
Deuces are Wild by Johnny Paul
Smash Watch
Card Transposition with Envelope by Francis Carlyle
CD 3
Going through the Leipzig book
Charlie Miller’s Slap Aces with Jack Merlin addition
Tear Up With a Twist
Touch for Larry Jennings’ Coin Cut
Balancing Coin
chit chat
Dr. Sawa on Dai Vernon’s Add On
Max Malini’s Lady and the Eagle
Coin from Rolled-Up Bill
Card on Seat
Furota bottle cap gag
Skinner’s picks from the Tarbell Course in Magic
Double Deck Coincidence (includes Johnny Paul Force)
Pete Biro’s Coins Up Through the Table
Dr. Sawa’s Cigarette Trick
Five Hands
Instant Replay (Chicago Opener)
One-Hand Force
Scarne Ace Cutting
New LJ book chit chat
Routine by Bill Malone and Bob Stencel
Bill Malone Trick
Jimmy Grippo Trick
Eddie Fechter’s Color Change and One-Hand Palm
Francis Carlyle’s handling of Vernon’s The Peregrinating Pip
12 items Skinner contributed to Vernon Chronicles 3
Harry Riser Prediction Effect
Floating Stack and Boomerang Card
Current repertoire
CD 4
Larry Jennings visits
Larry Jennings’ “Allen Okawa Trick”
Amazing Rhythm Aces
Talk about Bill Simon’s Effective Card Magic
The Jennings’ Myth
The Pink Card
The following items are from cassettes Skinner sent to Larry Jennings:
LJ Face-Up Face-Down Poker with Skinner presentation
Skinner Bridge Deal
Half and Half
Dr. Sawa’s Sliced Lemon
English penny patter
Dr. Sawa’s Cigarette Trick
51 Card Elimination
Dr. Sawa Ace Production
Walt Rollins’ 9 Card Trick
Roger Klause Coin Box and Finger Ring Trick
Max Malini’s handling of Michael Zens’ trick
Boomerang Card
Klause handling of Sleeve Aces
Balance of items sent to Okawa:
Francis Carlyle’s real version of The Homing Card
Bill to Cigarette
Eddie Fechter’s Jawbreaker
Larry Jennings’ Coin Bet
Dr. Sawa’s Shootout Production
Torn and Restored Napkin
Broken and Restored Cigarette
Card Production
Paul Fox Card Stab
CD 5
Toss Location
Copper/Silver with dime and penny
Penny for Your Thoughts
Wine Glass Production
Idea on Torn and Restored Cigarette
Dr. Sawa’s Spongeball Steal
Dr. Sawa’s Paycheck Trick
Ed Marlo’s Five Card Routine
Fred Kaps’ Snap Change
Talk about Chuck Smith and Cards to Pocket
Bottom Deal talk
Bottom Deal trick
Second Deal talk
Flash Paper talk
Visit from Vernon
Magic restaurant
Art Altman’s 7 Location
Larry Jennings’ Card through Hank
Skinner on Roy Walton’s Card in Box
Dai Vernon’s Fortune Teller
Bruce Cervon’s Flash Invisible Deck
Miniature Invisible Deck presentation
Roger Klause Fake Center Deal
John Carney visits
John Carney Add On
Torn and Restored Bill
Bare Hand Cigarette Vanish
Peek Force Trick
Eddie Fechter Cigarette Vanish
Multiplying Rabbits
Talk about Jay Ose’s Do as I Do
KBV Aces
Walt Rollins’ Card through Silk
CD 6
All Backs idea
Allen Okawa Chop Cup tip
Children’s shows
Roger Klause’s Card on Forehead
Henry Christ’s Solitaire Prediction
Faro Shuffle talk
Dai Vernon’s Viennese Coin Pull
Approaching a table
Talk about books
E.G. Brown’s Six Card Mental Effect
Aces from Box
Dai Vernon’s Ring and Coin Transposition
Japanese Ace Production
Dr. Sawa’s Invisible Hair Mystery
John Carney’s Bill and Coin Trick
The Photographic Coin (Paul Fox handling)
Talk about great books by Marlo and Vernon
Do as I Do handling
Egg Bag talk
Ring and Rope Trick
Color Changing Knives talk
Comparing Marlo and Vernon books
Talk about performance at hospital
Tossed-Out Deck
Color Changing Knives
Herb Zarrow’s Baseball Trick
CD 7
Talk about Charlie Miller visit
ESP Card Routine
chit chat
Talk about Carlyle’s Match Decapitation
Vanishing Glass
Atlantic City chit chat
Sleights versus presentation
Ray Grismer visits
The Two Ronnies (Ron Wohl Royal Flush Cut and Ron Ferris trick)
chit chat
Geoff Latta’s Silver Extraction
Jay Marshall chit chat
Pea Can teaser and chit chat
Coin and Handkerchief Trick
chit chat about Skinner’s repertoire
New material in act
Pea Can teaser 2
Max Malini’s Chink-a-Chink
Chuck Stockwell Impromptu Bill Reading
chit chat about Roger Klause’s Ashes to Ashes with Skinner intro
Talk about Don Alan Bowl Routine
Jennings Chop Cup
Ten for Ten
chit chat about youth
Convention talk
CD 8
Torn and Restored Napkin Routine
Boomerang Card
Patter chit chat
Jerry Schultz Stack of Quarters handling
Patter lines
Ultima Thule
Eddie Fechter’s Throw Change Transposition
Al Baker’s Telephony a la Skinner
John Carney and Roger Klause visit
Talk about Jay Ose
Jay Ose’s Opener
Jay Ose’s Repertoire
Jay Ose’s Boomerang Card
chit chat
Roger Klause talks about Skinner
Key Bending
Titanic Thompson story
Karrell Fox key trick
Roger Klause explains Dai Vernon’s Eight-Card Transposition and Follow the Leader
John Carney describes Roy Walton trick
Jumping Gems and Hot Rod (Liberace’s Piano Keys)
CD 9
Daniel Cros Devano Deck
Tip on a Dead Crab
Celebrities at The Lilly Langtree
Carlyle’s Decapitated Match
Performance advice
Cigarette routine
Daniel Cros Han Ping Chien
Ring Flite
Thoughts on Cigarette Through Quarter
Patter for a coin
Bill Transpositon recommendations
Spread Force on the Table
Michael Zens’ Red Ace Trick and Max Malini’s handling
Slydini’s Card Through Table
On flourishes
Creating a repertoire
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Spellbound routine
Skinner handling of Jack Miller’s Lazy Man’s Card Trick
CD 10
Allen Okawa and Michael Skinner in conversation
The business of magic
What Skinner teaches students
Tradeshow work
Signed Business Card to Envelope
Getting a job as a restaurant magician
Bill and Silk routine
Miniature Invisible Deck
Presentation for Multiplying Rabbits
Two-Card Transposition
Tokyo Lecture 1971 (translated by Hideo Kato)
Matrix Two Ways (Al Schneider)
Okito Box Routine
Coins Across Three Ways
Knotted Silks (Slydini)
Triumph (Dai Vernon)
Cutting Surprise
Cutting the Aces with Piet Forton’s Pop-Out Move
Slow Motion Ace Assembly
Invisible Palm Aces (Larry Jennings)
The Fiddle With the Biddle in the Middle (Alex Elmsley)
11 Card Routine (Edward Victor)
Between Your Palms with a Card to Wallet Ending (Alex Elmsley)
Giant Die Production a la Malini
Tear Up With a Twist (explained)
Coins Across: Two Copper/Two Silver (explained)
Bewildering Ball Vase
Cards through Newspaper (explained)
Four Copper and Four Silver Exchange Places (explained)
Pen and Coin (explained)
Deceptive Perception a la Skinner (explained)
Brother Hamman Transposition (performance fragment / explained)
Cups and Balls Moves (explained)
Paul Rosini’s Thimble Routine
Cut and Restored Rope Three Times
Coin from Rolled Dollar
Torn Card and Top Hat
Flying Knot (explained)
Mora’s Balls in Net with Three Different Colored Balls (explained)
Sleeve Aces a la Skinner (Al Leech) (explained)
Four Packets and a Silk (explained)
Torn and Restored Card Odd-Cornered Card (explained)
Transposed Cigarette Papers (explained)
Linking Safety Pins (fragment)
1988 or 1989
Michael Reflects on His Early Years in Magic
Skinner Monte (based on Theodore DeLand’s Pickitout)
Blackstone’s Favorite
Four-Ace Cutting (variation of Ackerman’s method)
Allan Ackerman’s Four-Ace Cutting (Magic Mafia)
Larry Jennings’ Reaping the Aces (Genii)
Ed Marlo’s Ace Cutting (The New Tops)
Color Changing Knives
Francis Carlyle’s Decapitated Match (Stars of Magic)
Flying Match Routine (based on Milbourne Christopher’s Flying Match) (includes Martin Gardner’s 10 Count)
Mona Lisa Card Trick
Peter Samelson’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Skinner handling)
Think Ace (with 4 red and 4 blue cards) (Vernon and Horowitz)
Follow the Leader (with 4 red and 4 blue cards)
Oil and Water (with 3 red and 3 blue cards)
Skinner handling of Silas and the City Slickers (Hugard’s Card Manipulations)
A Clock Trick
Torn and Restored Straw Wrapper
Three Non-Lit Cigarette Tricks
Skinner Handling of Ed Marlo’s Poker Deal (The Cardician)
The Solid Deck (Andrus/Korem/Skinner)
Skinner handling of Ed Marlos’ 7-Card Assembly
Alex Elmsley’s Boston Two Step (The Gen)
Skinner handling of Ken Brooke’s Tea For Two
Skinner’s presentation of The Rainbow Ropes (Max Londono)
Comedy Card Shuffles
The Notis Cascade and Eddie Fechter Revelation
Oil and Water and Triumph Routined
Walt Rollins’ Vernon/Marlo/Andrus Trick
Skinner’s Cigarette Vanish
Coins Through Hand with Pencil (Ken Brooke/Scotty York)
The Professor’s Nightmare, Skinner style
Scotty York’s handling of Larry West’s Hornswoggled
Data CD
The Skinner Tapes PDF
Max Malini’s Chink-a-Chink PDF
Skinner 1971 Lecture Notes PDF
Skinner Lecture Notes Undated PDF
The Card on the Ceiling Routine
The Glass thru the Hat
Throught Projection Pack
The Wonderful Coin Trick Revisited
Nate Leipzig’s Slow Motion Coin Vanish
My Slow Motion Coin Vanish
Giant Coin Production
The Bewildering Ball Vase
Boston Two Step
Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper
Cards Thru Newspaper
Repeat Power Poker
Cigarette Paper Transposition
Michael Skinner Notebooks PDF
Overhand Power Poker
4 Ace Reverse
Tunnel Effect
Marlo Down and Under
Stand Up—Stop
Card through Hank
Number Reverse
Toss Location
Altman’s “7” Location
Invisible Pass
Fechter Hank Force
4 Ace Reverse
Ultimate Ace Production
Spectator Observe Shuffle
Transfer Palm and Clean
Vernon Pile Trick
Card in the Box
Fechter Reverse
Double Triumph
6 Card Repeat
Nine Card Trick
“Mora Cent” Vanish
“Peek” Revelation
Coin in Sleeve
Pineapple Surprise
Buckle—Flip Move
Hank Revelation
Dribble Revelation
Sucker Placement
“Explain” Trick
Big Penny Trick
26th Card Idea
Check Cashing
Fortune Telling
Coin and Case Effect
Pen Gag
Rollins and Marlo
Palm Revelation
Punch Work Deck
Torn Center Gag
Satan Folding half
Thimble Vanish
Simon Joker Trick
Coin Pail Move
Shaking the Aces
Rollins Glimpse
Color Change
My Set-Up Pack
“Pinch Crimp” Work
Giorgio Crimp Work
“Aces and Threes”
Best Was
Lie Detector
“Slap” Aces
Thimble Vanish
Dice Hustle
Spelling Aces
Double Face Transpo
Top and Bottom Ambitious
Color Change
Lie Detector
“5” Card Mental Force
Coin Clipped on Tie
Flash Invisible Deck
Coin from Bill
Torn Cig Paper
Double Plunger
Biddle Revelation
Wave and Produce
Test Location
One-hand bottom
Dai’s Short Card
Sponge Ball Steal
Card Transpo in Envelope
Thimble Penetration
Thimble Vanish
Dai’s Location Effect
“Aces Out”—Really
Ashes to Ashes
Glass Milk Prod.
World’s second Greatest
Coin Box Effect
Big Penny Effect
Clever Card Trick
My Rouge et Noir
Bridge Stack
Thimble through Hank
Big-Little Penny
Japanese Blanks
My Set-Up Pack
Pseudo Deck Switch
I.B.M. Trick
Reverse Trick
4 Way—Do as I Do
Steven’s Shuffle
Card Transpo
Invisible Thread
Canasta Card
Idea on Poker
Card Switch
Face-Up and Down
Shuffle Down
Ambitious Aces
Ring Vanish
Shuffle Routine
Easy Weight Guesser
Rising Pencil
Card at Number
Birds of Feather
Slydini Circles
Short Change
Out of World—gag
Impromptu Rising Card
Ellis Ring Move
Bottom Deal Move
Flying Eagle Move
Toothpick in Whiskers
Miracle Thought
Fox Card Stab
Sleeve Production
4 Packet Monte
Conus Aces
False Shuffle
Bill to Quarters
Card in Pocket
Cutting the Aces
Sucker Stack
Final Lie Detector
Nine Principle
Trapped With Pass
Vanishing Matches
Royal Marriages
Coin Bet
4 Way Coincidence
Card Change
Poker Deal
Card to Pocket
Cut Coincidence
Hold Card Switch
second, third, fourth, 5th
Coins and Purse
Bill in Lemon
Cull Reverse
Classic Palm 1 of 4
Simon—Reverse Fan
Thick Card Shuffle
Acrobatic Finale
Deceptive Perception
2 Card Revelation
Bottom Palm
Deuces are Wild
T and B Blackstone
Diamond Cut Diamond
Greek Shift
Twisting Aces
New King Cut
Fooled Houdini
2 Copper and 1 Silver
Beggar Coin
Bank Coin
Match Levi.
Coin to Ring
Shirt Topit
Prefiguration 5 Phase
Elmsley’s Endfield
My Bridge Deal
Two Card Monte
Out of Cards
Open a Beer
Burnt Hank
Washcloth to Shell
My Aperitif
Sweater Holdout
Tilted Aces
Tiresome Aces
Ticket Stub
My Spellbound
Bottom Card Steal
Rise Rise Rise
Second Deal Lapping
Glasses Gag
(_____) Coin
Coin in Egg
Pellet Switch
Ring off Rope
Two Card Revelation
Ghost of Francis Carlyle.
Aces and Tens Routine 2 Phases
Side Steal at Fingertips
Improvement on 4 Way Do As I Do.
Larry on Christ’s Arm Reverse.
Smash Watch—Keys
My Bridge Deal Glimpse
Sawa Cat Pull Whisker
Sawa Lit Cig. From Pack
Charlie Miller Prin.
Marlo Five Card Routine
My 51 Card Elimination
Coins Through Bottom To Top.
Kaps Snap Change
Black Jacks 5 Phases
My Trapped with Pass 3 Phases
Vernon’s Turncoat
Chanin’s Torn and Restored Bill
Furota Ace Prod.
Monte Bent Corner Ruse
Double Deck Coincidence
Vernon—Card at any number
Bottle Cap Gag
Two Reversed Faro Location
Sawa: 007 Routine
Sawa Card Add
Coin Cut and Grab-it
Coin From Rolled-up Bill
Malini: Lady or Eagle
Erdnase “Cold Deck Cut”
“Walking Up Steps”
Invisible Hair Discovery
Sawa on Vernon Card Add
My Diamond Trilogy
Sawa Slot Machine
Wesson Oil Trick
Psychic Poker
Color Vision Routine
Packet Switch
Boston Two Step “Tip”
Psychic Poker II Grismer
Carney Throw-Away Ring
Whispering Queen
My Card Bottom To Top
Lorayne Memory Effect
Impromptu Double Face Coin
Fisted Copper-Silver
The Question Mark
Torn and Restored Napkin
Advice: Kaps
Howie Clip Insertion
Get Behind Satan—Grippo
Fechter Color Change
Sawa: Make Change
Sliced Lemon—Sawa
Sharp Shooter—Sawa
Your Choice—Sawa
The Traveling Check—Sawa
“Flower Ace Prod.” Kato
“Patter Line”—Crap
“Patter” Dove Producers
Coin Transpo.—3 Purses
Cig. To 100 Yen Note
Pieces of Chain—Sawa
Dollar to 4 Quarters
Coins Through Net.
My Erdnase Palm Change
Open Prediction
Carlyle—Spot Remover
Sawa: Little To Big
Sawa: 3 quarters to 3 dollars
My Four Copper To Silver
Paul—Card To Shirt
Sawa Coin Effect
Lime in Corona Bottle
Weber: Phone Book Trick
Weber: Salt in Sleeve
Malone: Thought Location
Malone: Double Rise
My Chicago Opener
Larry’s Color Mates
Water Vanish—Glass
Rabbit in Hat
New Force
Scarne Ace Cutting
Nice Combination
Real Malini Chink-a-Chink
Skinner Memorial Issue of Genii November 2007 PDF
Genii Speaks (Richard Kaufman)
Early Skinner (Lou Gallo)
The Skinner Touch (Jamy Ian Swiss)
Skinner’s KM Move Finesse
Skinner’s Time Trick Finessse
Skinner’s Elevator Double-Lift
Michael Skinner’s Placement Principle
Magical Moments with Michael Skinner (John Carney)
Michael and Me (Darwin Ortiz)
Remembrances of Michael (Roger Klause)
Part-Time Skinner (Jon Racherbaumer)
Masterful Mosteller (Mike Skinner & Alex Elmsley)
Mike’s Opener: Presto Change
Liberace’s Piano Keys
SentiMental Aces (ace assembly)
Three Tricks Using the Interlock Principle
Card at Any Number
Peek Revelation
Interlock Countdown