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CLICK HERE TO PURCHASEAuthor/Editor: Mentzer, Jerry
All the Same (Bill Okal)
Variatino on All the Same (Jerry Mentzer)
Wild Mental Move (John Mendoza)
Cutting the Kings (John Mendoza)
Double Barrelled Shotgun (A. Berkeley Davis)
A $2.85 Deck (Ray Mertz)
Four Card Display Move (Frank Shields)
Quick Reverse (Jerry Mentzer)
Okal’s Three Way (Bill Okal)
Pop Up Card (Jerry Mentzer)
Cull Speller
Kelly’s Bottom Up
Turn Me Over
Two Pack Coincidence
Ambitious Red Back (Jerry Mentzer)
Perplexed (Barry Govan)
Palm Spook (A. Berkeley Davis)
He Squares (A. Berkeley Davis)
Out of This World Variation
Seven No Trump (A. Berkeley Davis)
Very Good Hand (Phil Goldstein) (Max Maven)
Rundown (Phil Goldstein) (Max Maven)
Nijinsky Two (Phil Goldstein) (Max Maven)
Turncoat Kings (John Miller & Jerry Mentzer)
All Backs Plus (Jerry Mentzer)
Dirty Deal Revisited (Jerry Mentzer)
Hand Me Down (J.K. Hartman)
Visual Finders (Tom Gagnon)
Visual Quickie (Tom Gagnon)