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Card Cavalcade 3

Author/Editor: Mentzer, Jerry

Diamond Aces (Paul Diamond)
How About That (Paul Diamond)
In Case (Jerry Mentzer)
Into the Case Magical Lee (Jim Lee)
Ace in the Case (Larry West)
Last Minute Arrival (Jerry Mentzer)
Four-Way Coincidence (John Murray)
Poker Progressive (Roy Walton)
Ambitious 1-2-3-4 (Roy Walton)
Roy-Al Monte (Roy Walton)
As You Were (Roy Walton)
Offset Aces (Roy Walton)
Runaround (Roy Walton)
Tricky Tuition (Roy Walton)
Travelling Transmutators (Jeff Busby)
Incomplete Faro Location (John Miller)
Incomplete Faro Sandwich (John Miller)
Actually Cutting the Aces (Joseph K. Schmidt)
A Different Approach to Transpositions (Bill Miesel)
Take Three (Bill Miesel)
Mini Oil and Water (Bill Miesel)
Four Pile Triumph (Paul Swinford)
Zenith Triumph (Paul Swinford)
Triumph F.M.O. (Paul Swinford)
Duo Control (Paul Swinford)
Sandwich Effect (Don Adams)
Double Exchane (Don Adams)
Revelation (Bill Spooner)
Losers Leapers (J.K. Hartman)
Four of a Kind (Larry West)
Total involvement (Rick Johnsson & Jerry Mentzer)
Cannibal Cards (Rick Johnsson)
Lox (Lu Brent)
Further Than That (J.W. Sarles)
Tong’s Aces (Dan Tong)
Simple Shotgun (John Mendoza)
Five Card Revelation (Jerry Mentzer)
The Elmsley Count (Alex Elmsley)
The Jordan Count (Charles Jordan)
The E. J. Count (Roy Walton)
The Siva Count (Jack Avis)

Genre: Cards

Volume: Vol 3

Edition: 1st Edition

Condition: Good

Media Type: HB

No. of Pages: 188

Publisher: Jerry Mentzer

Publish Date: 1975

Donated By: Emery Harvey

Library Location Information

Lookup Code M144.4.c-c3:HB

Color Code: Red 1/2 Circle

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